Ductal carcinoma in situ, Stage 1-2, Grade 1, HR+ Procedure: Double mastectomy with reconstruction I have always been proactive when it came to...Read More
11-01-2016Invasive ductal carcinoma, Stage II Procedure: 1999 : Lumpectomy followed by chemo and radiation 2012 -2014 Double mastectomy with recons...Read More
11-01-2016Stage II A multifocal, multi centric left breast CA ER/PR+/HER2- Procedure: 2 Lumpectomies, 4 rounds of chemotherapy, Bilateral mastectomy and ...Read More
11-01-2016Stage 2 breast cancer - Procedure: Lumpectomy...Radiation... I was diagnosed in 1997, working parent of four children. After several ...Read More
11-01-2016Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the right breast - Stage 1 T1B ER/PR+ ATR- Procedure: Lumpectomy with chemo and radiation I had been a coupl...Read More
11-01-2016Stage 1 Mucinous Carcinoma of the Left breast (Diagnosed - age of 18) Procedure: Lumpectomy with 6 weeks radiation 1998 had my first breast rec...Read More