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My heart sank and I knew immediately that it was cancer.

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the right breast – Stage 1 T1B  ER/PR+ ATR-

Procedure: Lumpectomy with chemo and radiation

I had been a couple of years without insurance. When I finally was able to have a mammogram in 2006, the person doing the mammogram asked me to wait, as they always do for the radiologist to look at my images. When she came back and said there was something in the image and they wanted to do an ultrasound to look at it closer, my heart sank and I knew immediately that it was cancer. After the ultrasound, I was given an appointment to see Dr. Horner. He scheduled me for a biopsy on March 10, which came back positive. I was then scheduled for a lumpectomy on April 14, Good Friday.

I remember I never asked why me, I was just grateful that I had the mammogram as the lump was so deep in the breast, it would have had to grow quite significantly before I ever would have felt it.