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Cancer. It seemed to surround me during my life as multiple family members had battled the disease. In my hand I held the results of the genetics test. Yes, I tested positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation. This meant that I had a very high risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer.

The decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy was surprisingly easy. I chose life over breasts. Done! Deciding whether or not to reconstruct was a bit harder. Was it necessary to go through additional surgeries to bring my body back to where it was? I consider myself lucky in that I had the time to research my options and come to a decision that felt right for me.

Three years later, I look back and marvel at what I went through. Yet, I didn’t take this journey alone. I was fortunate to have a partner who stood by me every step of the way – from the moment I received the results, until the last drain was pulled.  I thank my family and friends for supporting me through my journey. I also thank myself for choosing to reconstruct, giving myself the gift of confidence and beauty.